Saturday, September 20, 2008

Fire drill pictures - September 2008

Pictures taken at Fire drill on 19 September 2008

Click here to download the pictures
If the above link does not work, go to this URL

Friday, September 5, 2008

Powerpoint for PGII warden led orientation held on 4 Sept 2008

Slideshow of PGII hall orientation for PG students held on 4 Sept 2008

Link to this album here to download.

If the above link does not work, copy this link :

Slideshow of PGII hall orientation for UG students held on 4 Sept 2008

Link to this album to download photos

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Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Fire evacuation exercise

Dear resident,

A fire evacuation exercise for your hall will be held some time during 4 – 18 October 2007. This is very important as in case of real fire, residents should know how to escape and save their own lives. For your own benefits, you should take part in the exercise. Please pay special attention to the followings:

1. Be familiar with all the fire escape routes in advance. The routes are shown on the floor plan posted in the Lift Lobby on your floor. Study them carefully and know where to assemble after you evacuate to the open area.

2. Fire alarm bells will sound continuously in case of real fire or fire drill. Upon hearing a continuous alarm, evacuate from the building at once.

3. CO-OPERATE with hall staff and FOLLOW THEIR INSTRUCTIONS during the exercise.

4. To protect your personal properties, remember to lock up your rooms before you leave. Neither the Hall Management nor the Security Office will be responsible for any loss or damage of personal properties. HOWEVER, in case of REAL FIRE, you should always consider your own SAFETY FIRST.

5. After evacuation, the Fire Drill commander, i.e. your residential Hall Manager and HSEO staff will check the resident rooms. Residents found inside the building not participating in the fire drill WILL BE ASKED to show his/her identity and GIVE EXPLANATION.

6. In case you have visitor in the hall on the night of the drill, he or she is ALSO REQUIRED to participate in the fire drill.

Nobody can foretell when a fire will happen. Please take the exercise seriously. Participation is very important as this is to protect your own lives. Do not attempt to stay in your rooms or skip the exercise since it will be useless to regret after an accident happens. If you have any physical problems / serious sickness, please let the Hall Office know so that we can take care of you during the drill.

Thank you for your attention and we trust you will cooperate and take part in the exercise for your own safety.

Student Housing Office
27 September 2007